Hallpike-Nylén Prize
Susan L. Whitney, USA
Hallpike-Nylén Medal
Hans Straka, Germany
Won-Sang Lee Awards
Vincent van Vugt, Netherlands
Brian J. Morris, USA
Julia Sjögren, Sweden
Bárány Gold Medal
David Zee, USA
Hallpike-Nylén Prize
Tsutomu Nakashima, Japan
Hallpike-Nylén Medal
Hamish MacDoughall, Australia
Young Scientists Awards
Daniel Brown, Australia
Jae-Hwan Choi, Korea
Andreas Zwergal, Germany
Won-Sang Lee Awards
Carrie Hoppes, USA
Bieke Dobbels, Belgium
Margaret Chow, USA
Bárány Gold Medal
Every six years during the Uppsala meeting, the Bárány Gold Medal is presented by the Medical Faculty of Uppsala University to “the author who, during the last completed five-year period, has published the most valuable work on the vestibular apparatus in the widest sense of this term.”
Previous Bárány Gold Medalists are:
Hallpike-Nylén Prize
The Hallpike-Nylén Prize honors clinical research achievement. Previous award winners include:
Hallpike-Nylén Medal
The Hallpike-Nylén Medal was awarded for the first time in Tokyo in 1990. Winners include:
Won-Sang Lee Fund Award
The Won-Sang Lee Award was established to honor the achievements of the late Dr. Won-Sang Lee, Bárány Society member and third president of the Korean Balance Society. It is given to young scientists who exhibit exceptional academic achievement and conduct innovative, thorough, and insightful research that contributes to a better understanding of the vestibular system.
To be eligible for this award, applicants should be under 40 years old and should apply for the prize when he or she submits an abstract via the abstract submission system. The winner will be selected after the evaluation of abstracts of applicants by the award committee.
Young Scientists Award
This award is given to prominent young scientists. We prefer to select winners from three different continents.
Copyright © 2025 Bárány Society All Rights Reserved.
Secretariat: Marianne Bergstrom — Department of Otorhinolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
University Hospital (Akademiska Sjukhuset) SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden — Phone +46 18 617 60 43 — E-mail marianne.bergstrom@akademiska.se
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