XXXIII Bárány Society Meeting
Shanghai, China
August 10-12, 2026
Please check periodically for updates to the conference website.
The Bárány Society holds regular international scientific meetings every two years, each time in a different city elected by our members. Every six years, our meeting is held in Uppsala, Sweden.
At each regular meeting, we present three awards: the Bárány gold medal, the Hallpike-Nylen prize and the Hallpike-Nylen medal. For more information, please visit our Awards page.
At our regular meetings held every two years, a special teaching course is organized. These courses are held at the same time as our main conference. The courses are designed for clinicians, and scientists who are relatively new in the field of neurootology, rehabilitation, and vestibular research.
This year, the first course deals with fundamental and practical aspects relevant for clinicians and scientists:
The second course will focus on the rehabilitation of patients with vestibular disorders.
Newest Innovations in Vestibular Rehab
Vestibular Impairment in Children with Hearing Loss
Presented by Susan L. Whitney, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA and Sharon Cushing, MD MSc, FRCSC
Video made in collaboration with Interacoustics
A Welcome from Dr. Joseph M. Furman, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vestibular Research
Presented by Joseph M. Furman, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vestibular Research
Clinical Relevant Knowledge of the Vestibular System
Presented by Herman Kingma, PhD, Maastricht University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Clinical Examination of the Ocular Motor and Cerebellar Ocular Motor System
Presented by Dr. Michael Strupp, MD, FANA, FEAN, University Hospital Munich, Germany
Clinical Examination of the Vestibular System
Presented by G. Michael Halmágyi, MD, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Update in Peripheral Vestibular Disorders
Presented by Måns Magnusson, MD, PhD, Lund University and Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Psychological Aspects of Vestibular Disorders
Presented by Jeffrey P. Staab, MD, Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology and Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN USA
Visual Aspects of Dizziness and Vertigo: Fundamental and Therapeutic Aspects
Presented by Adolfo M. Bronstein MD, PhD, FRCP, Charing Cross Hospital and The National Hospital, Queen Square, London, UK
These special issues published by the Journal of Vestibular Research are devoted to Bárány Society Meeting programs and abstracts.
As a service to the vestibular community, IOS Press has made the programs and abstracts for the Oral Sessions and the Poster Sessions freely available.
XXXII Bárány Society Meeting
Uppsala, Sweden
August 25-28, 2024
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 34 (2024), Issues 5-6
XXXI Bárány Society Meeting
Madrid, Spain, May 9-11, 2022
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 32 (2022), Issue 1
XXX Bárány Society Meeting
Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-13, 2018
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 28 (2018), Issues 1-2
XXIX Bárány Society Meeting
Seoul, Korea, June 5-8, 2016
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 26 (2016), Issues 1-2
Program and Abstracts
Watch videos of the six Teaching Course Lectures
XXVIII Bárány Society Meeting
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 25-28, 2014
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 24 (2014), Issues 2-3
Program and Abstracts
XXVI Bárány Society Meeting
Reykjavik, Iceland, August 18-21, 2010
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 20 (2010), Issues 3-4
Program and Abstracts
XXIII Bárány Society Meeting
Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 14 (2004), Issues 2-3
Program and Abstracts
XXII Bárány Society Meeting
Seattle, Washington, USA, September 26-29, 2002
Journal of Vestibular Research, Volume 11 (2001-2002), Issues 3-5
Program and Abstracts
Vestibular-Oriented Research Meeting 2023
June 25-29, 2023
Boulder, CO, USA (In-person and virtual)
The Vestibular-Oriented Research (VOR) Meeting was created to bring together leading and aspiring researchers from around the world to share and build knowledge, unify our diverse transdisciplinary specialty, and transform and improve interactions within our community as well as within independent and parallel disciplines.
Vestibular-Oriented Research Meeting 2020
The 2020 Vestibular Oriented Meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to keep the vestibular community engaged and showcase the work of those who were accepted to present at the 2020 meeting, all abstracts have been published in the Journal of Vestibular Research.
Full Issue
Copyright © 2025 Bárány Society All Rights Reserved.
Secretariat: Marianne Bergstrom — Department of Otorhinolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
University Hospital (Akademiska Sjukhuset) SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden — Phone +46 18 617 60 43 — E-mail
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