
The latest News from the Bárány Society

Bárány Society Announces Our New Sub-Name to Better Reflect Our Mission

Posted on December 12, 2024.

The Bárány Society has updated its sub-name to better reflect our mission in the areas of improving clinical care, education, and research. The new designation for the Bárány Society is “The International Society for Neuro-otology, Vestibular Medicine, and Vestibular Research.”

This sub-name is entirely within the bylaws of the Bárány Society (paragraph III.2.b.), which states that eligibility for membership includes persons in the field of otoneurology and vestibular research. The new designation aligns with the Bárány Society’s sponsorship of the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD), the Bárány Society’s educational program in vestibular medicine (VestMed), and the Bárány Society’s official journal, the Journal of Vestibular Research (JVR).

This update in the sub-name of the Bárány Society aims to improve the impact of the Society’s work by increasing its visibility on the internet and in social media.

Mikael Karlberg, President, Bárány Society
Joseph Furman, Editor of the Journal of Vestibular Research


Bárány Society 2026 Shanghai — Important Dates

Posted on December 12, 2024.

The XXXIII BÁRÁNY SOCIETY MEETING will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center from August 10-12, 2026

Conference President Shankai Yin MD, PhD, has extended an invitation to the global vestibular medicine community to participate in the XXXIII Bárány Society meeting, a gathering of the world’s most distinguished experts in the field, to share recent advances in vestibular science and medicine. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to revitalize partnerships and forge new connections in an open and collaborative environment.

Important Dates

November 20, 2025:       Call for Abstracts

May 15, 2026:                   Deadline for abstract submission

May 17, 2026:                   Abstract acceptance notification date

June 5, 2026:                    Abstract notification date, oral or poster presentation

May 30, 2026:                  Registration deadline for presenting authors

August 9, 2026:                Pre- Bárány Meeting

August 10-12, 2026:        Main Congress

August 13, 2026:              Satellite Congress

Be sure to check the Congress website for updates. We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai!

Bárány Society 2024 — Call for Abstracts and Registration Now Open

Posted on December 18, 2023.

Our four-day Bárány Society meeting in 2024 promises to be an exciting and informative event. We have an outstanding line-up of speakers who will share their latest research findings and insights, as well as sessions devoted to clinical applications, educational initiatives, and interdisciplinary collaborations.

We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all our participants, both new and returning. We are confident that this meeting will provide a valuable platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration, and we look forward to a stimulating and productive event. Late August in Uppsala usually comes with nice, mild weather.

Visit us for more information about the program, important deadlines, registration, accommodations and more.

Organizing Committee:

Göran Laurell
Mikael Karlberg
Måns Magnusson
Niklas Danckwardt-Lillieström
Fredrik Tjernström
Per Olof Eriksson
Michael Schubert
Doris-Eva Bamiou
Daniel Gold

Bárány Society 2024 Meeting Location Change

Posted on March 22, 2023.

We regret to inform you that the board of the Bárány Society has made its decision to postpone the XXXII Bárány Society Meeting planned to be held in Shanghai in May 2024 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting has now been rescheduled for October 2026 in Shanghai, China, as the XXXIII Bárány Society Meeting.

The XXXII Bárány Society Meeting will be held in Uppsala, Sweden August 25th–28th, 2024. Click here for more information.

Read the Notice of Meeting Change here.

2023 Letter from Göran Laurell, President of the Bárány Society

Posted on March 22, 2023.

Göran Laurel
Göran Laurell, President

Read the letter here.

2022 Letter from Göran Laurell, President of the Bárány Society

Posted on September 27, 2022.

Göran Laurell, President

Read the letter here.

Visit the Bárány Society Facebook Page

Posted on August 17, 2020.

Be part of the community! Visit the official Facebook page of the Bárány Society: The International Society for Neuro-Otology to keep up to date with what’s going on in the vestibular research community.